Thursday, December 9, 2010

That's the Way the Cookie Crumbles: Part One

"Open the door, my princess dear, Open the door to thy true love here!"  -- The Frog Prince, Brothers Grimm

My mom is always telling me "there's plenty of fish in the sea" and "sometimes we have to kiss a couple frogs before we find our prince."  That's pretty, Mom, but how many frogs will I have to meet? 

I was telling my dear friend Samiie about some of my recent "frogs," and some potential princes (whom I wouldn't classify as any sort of amphibian).  She was eager to hear me recount my adventures (and misadventures) in finding my prince, and together we decided that I should share my stories. 

Ah, but where to begin?  And how to begin?

I suppose I'll begin by painting a picture of my place of employment.  Bear in mind that it seems most people who work in my building are at least 35 years of age.  Young Lanie, at 23 years of age, has developed quite an eye for scoping out anyone who appears to be younger than 35 years of age. Disclaimer #1: 35 is not old. It's just that 35 > 23. You do the math. Naturally, I take note when I see someone (particularly a male) who appears to be close to my age.

Enter the young male contractors (the ones I referred to in an earlier post as "electrician contractors"). Upon actually talking to them (after 6-7 months of being too shy to approach them), I found out that they're actually both electrician AND carpentry contractors who work in my building.

My building boasts a few different dining options.  There is the main cafeteria (a very large cafeteria with many tables and plenty of options), as well as numerous "snack bars--" smaller cafeteria-like rooms-- scattered throughout the building.  I frequent Snack Bar 3 ("SB3")-- which offers some of the same options as the main cafeteria, but nowhere near as many.  One thing SB3 does offer that the cafeteria doesn't offer is the option of warm cookies.  That's right-- possibly the greatest thing ever known to mankind: the freshly-baked cookie.  Could there be anything sweeter (no pun intended) than a cookie straight out of the oven?  SB3 also happens to be the very same spot where our dear carpentry contractors choose to dine.  Given the combination of the freshly-baked cookies and the super-cute contractors, wouldn't you also choose SB3? 

Our coworkers wondered why we were suddenly choosing SB3 over the main cafeteria (the food there is definitely not as tasty as the food upstairs).  We told them we were going there for the warm cookies--not a total fabrication--but we were also going there to see the cute boys.  Eventually, we just began skipping past all the nonsense and just referring to the cute boys as "warm cookies."  I'm proud to say that we've turned the term "cookie" into something of a household name-- and not only at work.  My roommates, friends and family all know what I'm talking about when I refer to a Cookie.  (By the way-- to avoid any confusion, I'll capitalize the C in "cookie" when referring to cookie-boys in my blog.)

Cookies (of any kind) do make life a little sweeter, don't they?  I don't enjoy writing lengthy blogs, so I'll end this here and continue with the "Cookie terminology" in Part Deux.  Stay tuned, and be on the lookout for a Warm Cookie near you!  (Lucky you if you've got your own Cookie...)

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