I spent Thanksgiving day with my family. Today my heart is very full. And though I really try to live each day with a gracious heart (and some days it's teeth-grindingly difficult), today I made sure to take special note of all the things that make my life so wonderful.
No, I didn't win the lottery this year. But I am able to pay my bills while living a moderately fabulous life. And no, I didn't meet the man of my dreams (dry humor... ha. ha. ha.), but I have an even more focused image of what Mr. Perfect will look like (or, perhaps more importantly, what he WON'T look like). And even though I spend most days grumbling about my totally whacked-up workplace, I do have a permanent full time job, and it came at an amazingly opportune time.
A lot has happened since last Thanksgiving... Some good, some bad, happy, sad, normal, strange, and downright ridiculous. It's certainly been a crazy ride, and some days I wasn't sure how my sanity was going to last until the next day. But I have the most amazing family and friends, and each special person in my life has helped to pull me through some especially difficult days. I made sure to be thankful for something every day, even if the only thing I could find to be thankful for was that the day was over.
Gratitude can totally change your outlook on life. It will pull you through less-than-perfect days and give you hope for a brighter tomorrow. Gratitude will help you truly appreciate what you have. It will help you distinguish your "wants" from your "needs." It will keep your feet on the ground and keep you humble. Gratitude is absolutely vital for living a simple, happy life. Be happy and give thanks for the really wonderful things in your life, the things you know you can't live without.
I'm very thankful today. Thankful for what I had, thankful for what I currently have, and thankful for what I will have. Thankful for peace, for family and friends, and thankful for hope and faith. Without these things, where would I be?
And as always, I'm thankful for each of you. If you're reading this, chances are you hold a special place in my heart. Here's to a happy Thanksgiving for you and yours :)